
A terminal-based academic paper manager

TermiPaper is open source on GitHub under the GPL-3.0 license. It is currently under construction. Crafted with Rust, TermiPaper is designed to be efficient and easy to use. View the current roadmap at the GitHub issue "Roadmap for Fundamentals".


To be added...

Shared Lists

The following lists are for test purposes only and do not contain paper information.

ListIDDescriptionOwnerUpdate Date
Author: Li, Changhanchanghan-liPublications of Changhan Li (Ph.D. student at Southeast University)Changhan Li2024-08-15
Author: Huang, Wenyuwenyu-huangPublications of Wenyu Huang (Ph.D. student at Southeast University)Wenyu Huang2024-08-16
Author: Zhao, Wuqiongwuqiong-zhaoPublications of Wuqiong Zhao (Ph.D. student at UC San Diego)Wuqiong Zhao2024-08-16

Click the table header to sort. Click the list or ID name to download the list YML file. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.

Make a pull request to add your shared list to this page. The above table is auto generated via Python by parsing the list files.

© 2024 Teddy van Jerry (Wuqiong Zhao)